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LaPPS Structures


Throughout  our history on polymer research a whole portfolio of structures was made available, that were explored by several groups, in the Country and abroad. The polymers were labeled according to their chronological order of obtaining.

Portfolio of LaPPS polymers
LaPPS 45
LaPPS 46
LaPPS 47
LaPPS 60
LaPPS 60
LaPPS 61
LaPPS 62
LaPPS 72
LaPPS 73
LaPPS 74
LaPPS 35
LaPPS 48
LaPPS 49
LaPPS 50
LaPPS 63
LaPPS 64
LaPPS 65
LaPPS 75
LaPPS 76
LaPPS 77
LaPPS 36
LaPPS 37
LaPPS 38
LaPPS 39
LaPPS 40
LaPPS 41
LaPPS 42
LaPPS 43
LaPPS 44
LaPPS 51
LaPPS 52
LaPPS 53
LaPPS 54
LaPPS 55
LaPPS 56
LaPPS 57
LaPPS 58
LaPPS 59
LaPPS 66
LaPPS 66Eu
LaPPS 66Gd
LaPPS 67
LaPPS 68
LaPPS 69
LaPPS 70
LaPPS 78
LaPPS 79
LaPPS 80
LaPPS 81
LaPPS 82
LaPPS 83
LaPPS 84
LaPPS 85
LaPPS 86
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